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July 15, 2006

Presbytery of Mississippi Rejects PCUSA General Assembly Resolution

Reformation 21 has posted a resolution of the Presbytery of Mississippi declaring that "in the passage of Recommendation 5 of the Peace, Unity, and Purity Task Force Report" the PCUSA General Assembly committed "a grievous error seriously lacking Biblical, Confessional and Constitutional integrity" and thus has effectively "broken fellowship with the Presbytery of Mississippi." The resolution in question permitted individual presbyteries to selectively ignore a provision of the PCUSA constitution requiring that clergy "live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or in chastity in singleness," thus effectively allowing the ordination of active homosexuals...
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June 21, 2006

PCUSA on the Trinity

Update (6/22/06, 9:17 PM): A fascinating post at Siris discusses the use of 'Mother' and 'Womb' langauge in the tradition of orthodox trinitarian theology. The considerations Brandon brings up are such that the PCUSA statement makes less rather than more sense because of them. GetReligion reported yesteday on the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly's vote to 'receive' (but not 'approve') a paper suggesting liturgical use of new trinitarian language. Alternate formulations mentioned in the paper include "Rock, Redeemer, Friend;" "Lover, Beloved, Love;" "Creator, Savior, Sanctifier;" and "King of Glory, Prince of Peace, Spirit of Love," but the formulation everyone is...
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