Before I left last week, I sent in to Religious Studies the final draft of my paper "The Semantics of Sense Perception in Berkeley," which they have accepted for publication. The paper discusses the meaning of the "universal language of the Author of Nature" Berkeley argues for in the Essay Toward a New Theory of Vision and elsewhere. Essentially, the question I try to begin to answer is "if sense perception is a language by which God speaks to us, then what is he saying?" (I say "begin" because I have not developed a detailed semantic theory, but only offered some considerations with regard to what kind of content the perceptual language must have and how its semantics resembles the semantics of human languages.) The paper had to be cut down from about 13,000 words to just under 10,000 to meet Religious Studies' length limit and these journals sometimes take rather a long time to publish, so I intend to get the long version nicely fromatted and PDF'd to post here sometime soon. I want to get a link up to my first paper first so they're in order, but The Dualist still hasn't come out. If they delay much longer I'll just post my own version.
Posted by Kenny at July 5, 2007 8:21 PMTrackbacks |
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