as for my opinion of Atoms, their figures and motions, (if any such things there be) I will refer you to my Book of Poems, out of which give me leave to repeat these following lines, containing the ground of my opinion of Atomes:All Creatures, howsoe're they may be nam'd
Are of long, square, flat, or sharp Atomes fram'd
Thus several figures several tempers make,
But what is mixt, doth of the four partake.
The onely cause, why things do live and die,
'S according as the mixed Atomes lie.
Thus life, and death, and young, and old,- Margaret Cavendish, Philosophical Letters (1664), 455-456
Are as the several Atoms hold:
Wit, understanding in the brain
Are as the several atomes reign:
And dispositions, good, or ill,
Are as the several atomes still;
And every Passion, which doth rise,
Is as each several atome lies Thus sickness, health, and peace, and war,
Are as the several atomes are.
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