July 25, 2006

Yahoo! Music Against DRM

The Yahoo! Music Blog reported this week that Yahoo! has convinced Sony BMG to release customized Jessica Simpson tracks as unrestricted mp3s. Yahoo! points out that the only ones who benefit from DRM are the companies that make the technology. As far as musicians, labels, and consumers are concerned, the music provider is spending more money to provide less value. Go Yahoo! (HT: EFF Newsletter)
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Topic(s): Technology
Posted by Kenny at 2:40 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

July 24, 2006

William Lane Craig on the Historicity of the Resurrection

Over the course of this summer, I've been forming an argument for belie in the Bible. Part 2 of my argument was critically depndent on the claim that "if we accept ... [the] postulate ... that a very powerful being is trying to get our attention, then the most coherent ... [explanation] ... is that ... Jesus did in fact rise from the dead." This is, of course, a fairly modest claim, as it explicitly presupposes a pretty substantial chunk of theology (there is a God, he actually cares what we think/do, he wants us to know about him, etc.). However, some would still dispute it. Some time ago, after reading this post on The Prosblogion, I downloaded the transcript of the debate between William Lane Craig and Bart D. Ehrman on the historicity of the resurrection, and I've just now got around to reading it...
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July 22, 2006

Ekklesia and the Etymological Fallacy

Not long ago, I wrote a post suggesting that the New Testament may have consciously made use of the language of Athenian democracy, especially in its usage of the words ekklesia and kerux. JollyBlogger has now posted on the etymological fallacy in our understanding of the ekklesia (HT: Parableman). The etymological fallacy occurs when an interpreter uses a piece of information about the history of a word which was unknown to the author or, at least, which the author was not thinking about in his usage of the word...
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Topic(s): Bible , Theology
Posted by Kenny at 11:10 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)

July 19, 2006

Truth-Makers, Truth-Conditions, and Middle Knowledge

Middle knowledge is a problem that has been bothering me for quite some time now. It goes like this: middle knowledge is knowledge of the truth or falsity of counterfactuals of freedom, where a counterfactual of freedom (sometimes called a counterfactual of creaturely freedom) is a statement about what some agent having libertarian free will would do in a purely hypothetical situation, i.e. one that never has and never will occur. Libertarian free will means that one is free because one could do otherwise than one actually does. So, for instance, if human beings (including me) have libertarian free will...
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July 18, 2006

No Manslaughter Charges Filed in Jean Charles de Menezes Case

An official press release from the UK's Independent Police Complaints Commission announced yesterday that, following an investigation of the brutal execution without trial of innocent Tube passenger Jean Charles de Menezes, the London Police Commissioner will face charges of "failing to provide for the health, safety and welfare" of Mr. Menezes under the "Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974." There will be no murder or manslaughter charges...
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Why Believe the Bible?
Part 3: Jesus' Witness to the Hebrew Bible

Here, finally, is part 3 of my series on divine revelation. The story so far: part 2 argued that the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth constitute a self-revelation of God to mankind, and that the New Testament documents, and especially the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), constitute generally reliably historical sources as to the content of that revelation. These points will be assumed to have been established (but feel free to comment on the previous post if you want to contest them), and I will now argue that the entirety of the Hebrew Bible is included by reference in this revelation...
Continue reading "Why Believe the Bible?
Part 3: Jesus' Witness to the Hebrew Bible"

July 15, 2006

Presbytery of Mississippi Rejects PCUSA General Assembly Resolution

Reformation 21 has posted a resolution of the Presbytery of Mississippi declaring that "in the passage of Recommendation 5 of the Peace, Unity, and Purity Task Force Report" the PCUSA General Assembly committed "a grievous error seriously lacking Biblical, Confessional and Constitutional integrity" and thus has effectively "broken fellowship with the Presbytery of Mississippi." The resolution in question permitted individual presbyteries to selectively ignore a provision of the PCUSA constitution requiring that clergy "live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or in chastity in singleness," thus effectively allowing the ordination of active homosexuals...
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July 14, 2006

How Constant are 'Physical Constants'?

MSNBC is reporting on rising doubts among scientists - particularly Cambridge Univeristy astronomer Michael Murphy - as to whether key physical constants are actually constant. The new evidence goes beyond c-decay or the variable speed of light cosmology, and posits changes in the constants governing the four fundamental forces...
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Topic(s): Science
Posted by Kenny at 11:19 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

July 12, 2006

Infallible vs. Irresistable Grace

Gerald at Iustificare has written several posts on grace and free will in recent weeks. The latest post, a discussion of Augustine's treatment of the issue, introduces an interesting distinction I had not heard before: the distinction of infallible vs. irresistable grace. Gerald describes the distinction as follows: Infallible grace is �grace that always accomplishes it purpose� �nothing more or less. Infallible grace can be resisted, but is not. Infallible grace can fail, but does not...
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July 11, 2006

The Wall Street Journal on the Influence of the KJV

The Wall Street Journal recently published an editorial on the cultural and linguistic influence of the King James Version. It's a very interesting read and a topic I've been writing about for some time now...
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Topic(s): Bible , Theology
Posted by Kenny at 12:05 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

July 4, 2006