January 19, 2005

DP Columnist Jenny Weiss on "Defending Christianity"

Once again, a liberal friend of mine (ok, so it's really more of a casual acquantance this time) has written an incredibly insightful opinion piece in the DP about a very relevant topic. The article, by Jenny Weiss, is entitled "Defending Christianity" and shows an impressive clear-mindedness and impartiality in looking at the recent political conflicts between Evangelicals and secularists in the United States. Some highlights:

"I must disagree with Alex Koppelman's piece that appeared last Thursday ("Stealing Christmas"), in which he claimed that Evangelical Christians were violating Americans' rightful freedoms. Although I admittedly don't agree with all of Christian doctrine, I feel the views Koppelman expressed ultimately reflect anti-Christian prejudice and support Christians' assertions of discrimination."

"[General discomfort with Christianity among liberals] has resulted in legitimate discrimination against Christians... Does this anti-Christian discrimination represent an increase over past years? Honestly, it's hard to say. However, as liberal-minded people, we must not tolerate even low-level discrimination, regardless of the target."

"Clearly [the First Amendment] does not guarantee anyone the "freedom" not to see a Christmas tree at their local library."

"Since there is disagreement over what makes a better America, let's aim for a freer America. And because a freer world permits the greatest diversity of views, it gives us our best shot at a better one."

Read the whole article here.

Posted by Kenny at January 19, 2005 6:15 PM
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