I've added to my blog configuration a list of words used in offensive comment spam (especially those that link to porn sites). I realize, however, that the relevant words (which I will not list here, as I will probably add more later as the need arises) have legitimate uses (which is why I'm moderating rather than junking them). So, if you write a comment that contains, for instance, the word 'nude,' you will receive a message that says "Your comment has been received and held for approval by the blog owner." I'll get an email with your comment and approve it as soon as possible. Comments that don't use such words will not be effected.
Posted by Kenny at May 7, 2006 6:00 PMTrackbacks |
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Kenny. I was curious on your thoughts or views on net neutrality. Here is a link to a blog promoting it http://www.savetheinternet.com/blog/
and here is a youtube video promoting it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9jHOn0EW8U . I'm just learning about the issue and have to read up more on it.
I'm somewhat familiar with the issue. If you want to follow it I recommend Ed Felten's blog, Freedom To Tinker. I haven't been following the issue very closely, because I can't support government regulation in this area. I think the market will fix it. If one company comes to own all of the high speed data lines, it will be ok, because those lines will be obsolete before long, and if we don't like the way the owner runs them, we'll use a different technology. I don't think people will put up with yahoo or whoever creating some kind of standard that isn't compatible with the rest of the internet.
Posted by: Kenny at May 8, 2006 9:50 AM